Ayurvedic principles are scattered around the Vedas or Vedic literature, which is why India is generally known as a home for ancient healing systems.
Among so many Ayurvedic herbs, Ashwagandha has maintained its status in the world of Ayurveda, as one of the most powerful Rasayana (Rejuvenator) that promotes longevity and vitality.
For years and years, it has been praised as an important element of Ayurvedic medicines and is a popular adaptogen that helps manage stress levels while boosting mental health that significantly improving the quality of life.
Even in these modern times, Ashwagandha is still considered the backbone of the traditional methods of healing. It is still preferred by those who adhere to the Ayurvedic approach.
Now let’s just dig deeper into this, and find out how traditional medicine can be a cure for modern-day problems. How can it contribute to balancing the busy & hectic lifestyle?
To know the answers, just keep on reading!
Ashwagandha is a combination of two Sanskrit words Ashwa which means horse and Gandha mean “smell” combined with Ashwagandha which means a plant that smells like a horse and gives strength as powerful as a horse.
Ashwagandha is a well-known medicinal herb in Ayurveda. It is also known as “Indian Ginseng” or “Winter Cherry” and holds the prestigious title of “King of Herbs” in the traditional health care system.
It is a small plant, native to India, which grows in dry regions and is cultivated once a year. It bears small yellow to green bell-shaped flowers and fruits as well which are usually orange in color, when tender, and turn red when ripe. Each and every part of this wondrous herb is essential and is widely used in Ayurvedic medicines.
Each and every part of Ashwagandha is used in one or the other way. However, Ashwagandha roots are popularly used in different forms for treating a plethora of diseases.
Traditionally, Ashwagandha was used in the form of Churan (powder) which constitutes only the root extracts. It was used in a form of a powder, for improving strength and stamina.
Moreover, in ancient times, it was used in form of pastes as well, the root was crushed and mixed with water to be applied, to reduce the inflammation of joints.
Later, it was used in form of Ashwagandharishta (health tonic) which is the liquid form of Ashwagandha. It potentially impacts the growth hormones and helps increase height as well. Also, it helps enhance memory and other brain functions.
Another form of Ashwagandha is in form of oil. Ashwagandha is generally known for its calming effect, Ashwagandha oil is considered effective for reducing pain and muscle tension.
So, these were some of the traditional uses of Ashwagandha in Ayurvedic medicines.
However, nowadays it has emerged as medicines Capsules, and tablets to resolve modern-day problems in a modern way. Ashwagandha has long been known for its adaptogenic properties, which means that it helps in dealing with stress while revitalizing the mind and body.
Although, there are many types of Ashwagandha, but the best type of Ashwagandha is Nagori, considered an ideal and most effective variety of Ashwagandha.
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In today’s, fast-paced lifestyle every person is affected by stress, in one or the other way. However, some people are more deeply affected by its consequences, depending upon their personal, professional, and health backgrounds.
Even though the body itself produces various chemicals and hormones to manage stress, the issue arises, when it affects our physical, mental and emotional well-being, making it a chronic disease. Luckily nature gives us an answer in form of adaptogenic herbs such as Ashwagandha. It possesses anti-stress properties that have the ability to reduce cortisol levels, which is a stress hormone; responsible for dealing with stressful situations. The higher the cortisol levels, the more the stress which can even lead to various health issues; the lower the cortisol levels, the lower the stress which can eventually boost your overall health.
Thus, it clearly stands to be the most prominent ancient solution for a stress-free lifestyle in this modern era.
Now, let’s have a look at some of the remarkable health benefits of Ashwagandha:
For Stress and Anxiety

Stress is a part of the modern lifestyle. Nowadays, we see people feeling stressed, depressed, and overwhelmed because of the pressure they face as part of their daily life. But, leading such a life can hinder productivity and can even cause some serious health issues.
Of course, there are several strategies to adopt for managing stress but if nothing seemed to have worked till now, then we have got the answer to this in our ancient Ayurvedic treasures, known as Ashwagandha.
Ashwagandha is best known for its adaptogenic property that helps manage stress levels naturally.
Several studies have shown that it can reduce the common symptoms of stress and anxiety, such as – trouble falling asleep, difficulty in concentrating, loss of sexual drive, fatigue, etc. Moreover, it is calming and relaxing in nature which helps in lowering stress levels while normalizing cortisol levels (stress hormone).
For Strengthening muscles
Nowadays, most people are conscious of their appearance. Every other person is trying to pack on muscles and wants to convert their body mass into muscles. It can only be achieved with the right training and nutrition including a supplement for increasing exercise performance and increasing muscle mass.
Instead of trying on those chemically produced supplements, try something natural which has been used since the ancient era for providing strength.
Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb that roughly means “smell and strength of a horse.
Ashwagandha is a supplement that balances cortisol levels while improving testosterone levels naturally. Also, High levels of cortisol mean decreased levels of testosterone, which plays a major role in building muscle mass. Ashwagandha is considered a natural testosterone booster that stimulates muscle growth. Moreover, in a study done by NCBI, shows a positive impact on muscle mass and strength in young men engaged in resistance training.

For sound sleep

Hectic schedules, stress, and unstable routines can often lead to a sleepless night or disturbed sleep. This is the most common complaint nowadays.
And we know how frustrating it is. But before reaching out to those sleeping pills try a trusted ancient and natural solution to end those sleepless nights.
Ashwagandha has natural sleep-promoting qualities which help in calming the mind and body while improving sleep quality. Moreover, it is potentially beneficial in treating sleep-related disorders such as insomnia.
For boosting immunity
Living a healthy life in current scenarios is more important than ever. Where strong immunity is the need of the hour, for which there’s nothing better than Ayurveda.
Thanks to the antioxidant properties of Ashwagandha that makes it is one of the best immunity boosters. It helps fight against cellular damage caused by free radicals. Also, it improves the body’s defense against disease and protects it from various infections and common ailments.

For healthy and youthful skin

Healthy skin without the use of expensive makeup products is every girl’s dream. So, to keep your skin healthy on the outside it needs to be healthier on the inside first.
Antioxidants present in Ashwagandha help protect the skin from free radical damage, thus helping in slowing down the process of aging. Not just that, it contains anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties which help fight various skin infections while promoting healthy and youthful skin. Moreover, it promotes collagen production which gives your skin natural elasticity and keeps it firm.
For enhancing memory
Ashwagandha, being a rejuvenator helps in improving overall physical as well as mental health. Ashwagandha helps in improving brain health by enhancing memory and other cognitive abilities.
For years, Ashwagandha has been considered an excellent memory enhancer. Ashwagandha has been shown to increase acetylcholine levels in the brain, which is related to improving brain functioning and memory.

For treating inflamed and painful joints

As Ashwagandha is useful in improving muscle mass, it is as much beneficial for improving bone health.
Ashwagandha possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing the pain caused due to inflamed joints and swelling. It even helps in maintaining the overall body balance while keeping your bones healthy and strong.
Ashwagandha is a herbal supplement and is safe for daily consumption. However, the recommended dosage of Ashwagandha depends on age, digestion and lifestyle. Moreover, the general recommended dosage is between 500 mg to 1 gram per day. Though, it is still advised to consult a health professional for the correct amount of dosage.
Hope this blog provided all the information you wanted to know about Ashwagandha. Since ancient times, it has been treating a variety of ailments and still continues to restore balance in our modern-day life. Ashwagandha has a rich history in Ayurvedic medicine and is a perfect old-school remedy to cure modern-day health problems.
Just a reminder, everybody has a different body type and every ingredient reacts differently in different people. So, it is advisable to consult a health professional for the required amount of dosage for this supplement.