National Ayurveda Day is celebrated on Dhanwantari Jayanti every year since 2016. This year it will be observed on 2nd November 2021. This initiative was started by the Union Ministry of AYUSH to create awareness and promote Ayurvedic principles of healing among the young generation.
In these unprecedented times, people have realized the importance of Ayurvedic treatments and approaches. The significance of Ayurvedic herbs, spice and other natural ingredients in our daily diet cannot be stated enough for maintaining good health and well-being.
Let us try to find more about the basics of Ayurveda and its teachings to have an in- depth insight about this widely practiced traditional healthcare system.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is one of the most ancient and trusted system of healing. Its holistic approach aims at both the prevention of diseases and promotion of good health. Also, the purpose of Ayurveda is whole body healing and not just the treatment of the affected organ or part of the body. It works on viewing and healing the whole body, while taking the root cause out, rather than just suppressing the symptoms. Moreover, one of its major principles is attaining balance between mind, body and soul by improving vitality and longevity.
These are the primary objectives of Ayurveda. Let’s discover a little information about the history of Ayurveda.
History of Ayurveda
The origin of Ayurveda dates back to the Vedic Era. According to Hindu mythology, the Rig Veda and Atharva Veda mention the diseases and use of medicinal plants. It is believed that Ayurveda is attributed to Dhanvantri, the physician of gods and also the one who revealed Ayurveda to the world. Lord Dhanwantri is even known as the god of Ayurveda, medicine and healing. Therefore, holds a special position in Ayurveda and thus, Dhanwantri Jayanti is also celebrated as the National Ayurveda Day.
The term Ayurveda is combination of 2 Sanskrit words – Ayur which means life and Veda which means knowledge. Thus, Ayurveda translates as ‘knowledge of life.’
Ayurveda encourages treatments through internal purification by using specific dietary changes and detox methods along with some medicinal herbs and spices accompanied with yoga and meditation. It offers a deep wisdom, designed for us to stay healthy.
Particularly, in Ayurveda everything in this world is composed of energies or 5 elements and 3 Doshas.
What are Doshas?
According to Ayurveda, the world is composed of – water, air, fire, earth and space and the combination of these elements from a human body by giving rise to 3 energies known as Tridoshas, named as – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Everyone in the universe has these energies but one is usually primary, other one is secondary and the third one is usually least prominent. This unique constitution of all the three doshas in varying proportions is called as Prakriti of an individual. It forms the human body and maintains the dynamic state of health. However, when these energies aggravate, there are an imbalance in the body and is the major factor of the emergence of a certain illness or disease.
Know Your Dosha

This dosha is associated with movement. It is composed of space and air and is one of the most important among the doshas.
In balanced state – it promotes creativity and flexibility.
Out of balance – It promotes unstable mood, fear and anxiety. Generally prone to digestive issues.
For pacifying Vata Dosha, one must include warm foods like – warm milk, ghee, butter, almonds, peanuts and certain herbs and spices etc.
It is formed by the composition of fire and water. It is responsible for regulating metabolism and transformation in the body’s form.
In balanced state – It promotes understanding and intelligence.
Out of balance – It arouses anger, hatred and jealousy. Generally prone to acne and inflammation.
For pacifying Pitta Dosha, one must include cool and refreshing foods in their diet such as juicy fruits, salads, coconut etc. but should avoid foods that produce heat in the body such as salty, oily and spicy food items.


It is formed by the constitution of the earth and water. Its major role is to lubricate the joints, moisturize the skin, improve strength, and maintain immunity.
In a balanced state – It promotes love, calmness, and forgiveness.
Out of balance – It will lead to greed and envy. Usually, prone to weight gain, general weakness, slow metabolic rate, and breathing issues.
For pacifying Kapha, one must include raw fruits and lightly cooked food, and vegetables. Try including food items like apples, cherries, lemon, bell peppers, carrots, spinach, fresh yogurt, buttermilk, etc. in your diet. Also, reduce the consumption of bitter, astringent, and deep-fried food items.
Benefits of Ayurvedic Lifestyle
Here are some of the life-changing benefits of adapting to the Ayurvedic lifestyle:
Improves immunity

Ayurvedic herbs and spices are always recommended along with a healthy diet and regular exercise. One needs to include certain immunity boosters in their daily routine to combat infections and flu. Tulsi, ginger, turmeric, amla, and giloy are to name a few which hold strong antioxidant properties and help in strengthening the immune system while improving overall health.
Healthy skin and hair
According to Ayurveda, the accumulation of toxins is the root cause of several health, skin, and hair concerns. Hence, detoxification is the most effective method that can be done by including lots of fresh Ayurvedic juices, rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it easier to cleanse the body while keeping your skin and hair healthy form the inside out.

Featured Products
Stress-free lifestyle

In today’s, hurly-burly lifestyle, there is absolutely no space for relaxation and rejuvenation. Thankfully, Ayurveda offers various methods for a stress-free lifestyle. Having an Ayurvedic supplement like Ashwagandha, which is a powerful adaptogen, can really help in reducing stress and anxiety levels. Followed by regular breathing exercises, yoga and meditation can allow your body to calm down, rejuvenate and stay energized throughout the day.
Restores strength and stamina
Ayurveda views, strength and energy to be the essential energy of a human body. It not just views the strength of a person as its physical entity but even relies on the mental state. There are certain natural Ayurvedic supplements that provide enough nutrients to the cells and tissue for enhanced performance. Shilajit is one such mineral-rich substance, with 80+ essential vitamins and minerals to keep up your energy levels all through the day.

Bring back balance to your life with Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a healthy lifestyle system. One should embark on an Ayurvedic lifestyle with some gradual changes. Listen to your body, let it guide you, and then adapt some changes accordingly. Every single step will take you toward the betterment of your health goals. The main goal of Ayurveda is not just to fight disease but to promote overall good health and mental well-being.
This National Ayurveda Day, let us take a pledge to adopt the most natural way of living a healthy and balanced life with the usage of some medicinal herbs along with yoga therapy and meditation techniques.
Eat healthily, and stay healthy! Happy National Ayurveda Day to everyone.